Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New UK Seatbelt Video

A wonderful video clip showing how important to have a seatbelt. Technology is amazing. Please enjoy!


  1. Remember health and family are important

  2. Kia ora Mel and everyone,
    what a great video.. it is very visual and the message is very clear, make it click!
    It is very important to note though, that there is no point if we make it click for ourselves but not the children. My children are 6 and 7 yr olds and they still on booster seats in the car. some people believe that once their children go to school they don't need to have them in car seats, but unfortuantely it can be fatal as the seatbelt is not enough to support their chest.

    When children are setting in the car their shoulders need to be the same level with the window so they could actually look out, if they can't, then they need a booster seat to be safe.
    by the way the police have been around educating parents at schools and they have been giving prizes for children who chose to be safe and make it click!
    Spread the msg to your children in your centres, it's better to be safe than cool because your not on a booster seat anymore!

  3. Hi Mel,
    What a great and very powerful video. I believe it sends the message out very clearly. The video graphics that went in to making this video were awesome. Our centre actually has a height chart which allows parents to know at what height are their children suppose to be in a booster seat, which is great for the parents knowledge. Thanks for sharing that video with us Mel.

  4. I think that this video clip is very good as it is very clear about the message that it wants to give out. I also think it is a very creative way to show and express this message to others. I think that it is creative because it did not use actual objects to show this video. For example, I liked how they use the arms/hands to be the seatbelt for the man and they used glitter paper as broken glass. I also like how this one video is able to point out the important factors, that family is important and driving safely: putting on seat-belts, is also important. I think that this would be a great video to show everyone to remind them about "making it click" and once again, driving safely and family is important.

  5. It shows how powerful the mind can be. It was like you wanted to put your hands up to warn what was going to happen. Through visual technology a strong message is given without using technology gadgets to conduct the experiment and outcome of not wearing a seatbelt.

  6. An amazing visual experience to learn from. It sents message direct to the reader and the viewer and shows the importance of wearing seatbelts.This technology has saved lives of people and it is just simple to let it click once in the car. The declaration of the road safety week last month have enhanced on the importance of safety on roads for all. we had a visit from the Road safety officers taliking to children and it amazing how little once learn to comprehend the imporatnce of wearing seatbelts. One child commented to the officer that if we dont wear seatbelts we CAN BE THROWN OUT OF THE CAR AND WE CAN GET HURT.Parents and teachers and responsible people need to help in passing this knowledge to the community with the help of our children too who are learning rules very fast.This invention is great and worth a click for our loved ones.

  7. Hi Mel,

    It was am amazing video to watch. Powerful message about puttting on your seatbelts. It really gets you thinking about road safety.

  8. Kia Ora Mel,
    This is a very powerful video and I wonder why it has not been included in our commercial peak time on TV because the message makes you realise that seat belts are important and the love the family had to protect their loved one sends home the realisation that accidents can happen at any time, finally this video did not cause any physical injury, the music complemented the video.

  9. I think that this type of video is much more effective than the graphic ones that are shown for road safety. This is because some people find them easy to ignore or laugh them off because 'it will never happen to me' or if you are like me, you turn the sound right down and look away because you don't like watching people dying in car crashes all the time. This type of video would make you watch to see what was going to happen at the end as it wouldn't just be another driving advert. This video really showed me the importance not only of wearing a seatbelt, but also the importance of family. I think that whenever people drive, they should think about the family that would suffer if they did anything stupid on the road. Shock value is not the only way to make people pay attention.

  10. Wow! they're such a great actor and actresses lol. The message there is so clear...seat belt. I remember, back in the island, we didn't wear seat belt! So I dont know why we still alive lol. Well, the police didn't encourage us and it was funny because we thought that it was only the 'palangi' people can wear seat belt lol. I we saw someone wearing seat belt, we would say that he or she wanted to be a 'palangi' (fie palangi) or in other words..people from oversease lol. However, it's so important to wear seat belt and there is no excuse for that. Especially our children...we are their voice and thier mind. If we dont put them in a car seat...then I guess we're killing them!

  11. Hey Mel this is a great way to prove a point! I think it sends the message out clearly. The adds on TV have been a great reminder to myself and most of the people i know that wearing your safety belt is a life changing thing to do. All it takes is two seconds to put it on! I think your chart Jody is a great idea of how to help parents understand when the right time is for their child to be out of their car seats! I might have to find one for my centre! Great clip Mel, definatly made me think about all the people who do not take that time out to 'make it click'. Thank you

  12. Amazing video Mel. When Living in South Africa wearing a seat belt was not made a big issue. But sitting back today and remembering a few friends that I have lost due to not wearing a seat belt I wish that we had, had technology like today to make them more aware of the dangers. My little brother who is 11 years insists that when we get into the car we all put our seat belts on before we leave. Videos like these and the Mac Donalds one truly make us remember Click goes the seat belt, Click, Click, Click

  13. Hi Mel
    I really liked this clip it was short yet affective. I was driving the other day and I saw at the lights the car next to me where a young boy was holding his babysister none of them where wearing seat belts I could see this because they were moving freely around the back seat of the car it made me so angry that the message still is not getting out there to wear your seat belt maybe this ad would be good on our television to help people get the message!!

  14. Hi Mel,
    I think this video clip sends us the message clearly about the outcome of not wearing a seat belt. It was really amazing video that makes us realise that we had to protect ourselves, families or other passenger's while driving incase anything can happen at anytime.

  15. Hi Mel....Great video. It is amazing how much of an impact these types of videos have and the message is very clear. Buckle up! I agree with one of the comments above, this clip should be played on TV.

  16. Wow Mel, this video was really amazing. Its true to embrace life we need to have seat belts on. It gives a clear message and what I really liked was the daughter and wife making seat belts with their hands which I thought was really touchy.
