After Bronwy's talk yesterday, what do you think about technology? What is your value of using technology in early childhood education?
Personally I very admire that they take up the challenges and their commitment and passion on technology. They use technology as a learning and teaching tool for supporting children's learning and development as well as connecting families and friends from overseas.
Technology can also be used in different curriculum areas, learning experiences and all children.
It was amazing to see how technology works in early childhood education.
Hi Mel - just want to congratulate you for introducing me to BLOG! I have had people from all walks of life that are able to read about the ECE project build I manage! And its great for people to read and follow its progress. I had feedback from the design and build team of the Ministry of Education in Wellington who were impressed that I have documented the project process through my blog site! Yes I am the first ever to document their design and build scheme this way! So let your students know - there is value in blogging because you dont realise the impact it has on others! Heres my blog:
Hi mel,
ReplyDeleteafter listening to Bronwyns talk last week it opened my eyes to the importance of technology in this generation of children. Technology is everywhere and sometimes we use it without even knowing we are using it. I believe that children need to be exposed to certain technology and learn about technology within an early childhood environment as well as their home and outside environment.
I am now more aware of the importance of the link between children and technology and will work on supporting these needs in my home centre.
Kia Ora Mel,
ReplyDeleteThe session with Bronwyn was a success. I have enjoyed the session and and it made me think seriously about how to involve the children in technology in my centre.
When I went back to my centre I had a look at the interactive board we have and thought that it's time that we make good use of it! Thanks for such insightful session.
kia Ora Mel:)
ReplyDeleteBronwy's talk was most informative and also a confirmation for me as to my belief that technology is most intergral in early childhood education. Children, families and communities are showing growing interest in ict, which affirms why we as early childhood educators need to upskill and use technology in our centres.
I thought that Bronwyn was very inspiring with the way she talked about how technology was used in her centre. I have a lot of technology in my centre, but after looking at the photos of the way it is used in Bronwyn's centre, I don't feel that we are using it to the full potential. I especially liked the way that the interactive whiteboard was used for mat times. I have taken on board everything that Bronwyn said and am excited to try some of the different techniques and uses for the technology in my centre. I think that technology should be embraced in early childhood centres as it is a part of children's lives that is not going to go away.
ReplyDeleteMalo e lelei Mel,
ReplyDeleteWell, from Browny's talk -It make me reflect on my practice as and earlychildhood teacher. It make me realise how technology can change the way I teach. It can actually allow me to come out my 'comfort zone' if I create a blog for our school. It will be easier for me to talk about chidlren's learning rather than talking to parents. I have learnt that technology is about helping people and solving problems. "Blog" have become the answer for families when they wanted to know what is going on with their children's lives. According to Te Whaariki, children and thier families experienced an environment where they feel a sense of belonging (Ministry of Education).
Not only that but it is vital that chidlren exposed in to techonology as this is "a world where people have created and changed through technology" (Smorti, 1999, p.5). It was good to see the chidlren 'skyping' other chidlren. Children will need to develop their own perspectives to continue acquiring new skill in order to participate in this world (Ministry of Education, 1996).
It was a cool session Mel, I have learnt alot
Bronwyn's visit and discussion about their centre was very inspiring for most people but in my opinion would all parents agree to be a participants of the new innovations about technology that is going to be used by very young children? I am a teacher of babies and toddlers and I am thinking how can we upgrade our knowledge to foster the modern technology to them althoughI know a use of a digital camera,an experience punching in the keyboard,dialling numbers in the phone are great learning experience to them.
ReplyDeleteKia Ora Mel, I am sadden that I missed this session of Bronwyn's visit. So from reading some of the others comments they have learnt or are able to add more to their practice about Technology - Tino pai. For me the comments have help me to see and to learn more about technology in my own practice as an educator.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Brownyn's visit I learned more about children's blog in terms of technology. She demonstrated how we use new technology to enhance chidlren's learning in early childhood settings. I realised this is the very effective way to share the precious learning oppotuniites with chidlren's whanau form all over the countries and world.
ReplyDeleteI felt that the visit from bronwyn was very enlightening. It made me realise that technology is something unavoidable in this day and age and it is a huge part of children's lives. The point that Bronwyn made about how teachers need to upskill themselves so that they can teach children about technology was definately valid. It seems that some teachers can be afraid or unsure of the new technology that is so big in our children's lives. Instead of being afraid we need to embrace these new ideas and help children to become competent and capable users of technology.
ReplyDeleteHi Mel, the talk with bronyn was a real eye opener for me. i now feel that i need to allow children to have more access to technology. this will help them grow in the current world that we live in.
ReplyDeleteThanks for everyone's comment on Bronwyn's session. If you have missed it out, please go to the Botany Downs kindergarten web site http://web.mac.com/bdownskindy/Botany_Downs_Kindergarten/Welcome.html
ReplyDeleteand have a look their blog.
I was glad that the session made students to have more confidence on ICT technology and to be more aware of how ICT technology relates to early childhood education.
For many early childhood contexts, the blogging idea is still very new. Some managers and teachers feel weird about using blog as a communication tool for parents and children. Once they realise the benefits of it and realise the trend of society, they will be alright.
Ka pai everyone!! I was impressed your confidence on trying the new challenge
Hi Mel.....After Bronwyn's talk, I realised that technology existed everywhere in our lives. Apart from using computer, camera and some other types of electrical products, a ballpoint pen, hammer and some other products are all technology.
ReplyDelete"Technology is about helping people and solving problems" (Smorti, 1999, p. 5), and technology relates to having creativity, solving problems and answering questions. Thus educators should use it in our daily teaching practice.
Technology not only make children interested during the learning process but can also help children to think outside of the box, solve problems and be creative.
Bronwyn's talk on the use of blogs in her kindegarten was highly inspirational to me! It was great to see evidence of blogs bringing community children live in together. Great to see blogs well established in a early childhood setting, and the rewarding benefits for children and their whanau. Well done and a big thank-you to Botany Downs Kindergarten for venturing into the unknown and paving the path for technology in ECE!
ReplyDeleteHi Mel, Bronwyn's talk was great. It was amazing to see how much technology is used in her centre. It opened my eyes to how many more opportunities and experiences I could offer the children in my centre. It's good to see how effective blogs are within an early childhood centre. I really do believe the parents/whanau at my centre would benefit from the use of blogs. She was a great guest speaker. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi Mel
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed listening to Bronwyn's talk about the way that they use technology at the centre. I thought that the skyping was such a neat idea , especially talking to those children that have just transitioned fronm kindergarten to school. It is something that could help with the settling in process at school and it would definitely enable closer relationships with peers. All I can do is put this on my centre wish list.