Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Photos on your blog

Hi all

Thanks for the people who have raised the issue. It is actually anybody view your blog. If you do not want the photos would be viewed by others.

The quick solutions are
1) delete all photos with children's faces
2) only upload the photos with objects, places, animals, plants, etc.
3) clip arts would be another option

Remember you won't get mark down without having photos on your blog.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.



  1. Hey Mel i am glad this got cleared up as there was no way the parents in my centre would have allowed photos of their children to be online. I took photos of the objects but some childrens clothing, arms and legs were in these and i thought it would be best if i just left them out.

  2. Photos were approved by parents in my blog.I think photos help to illustrate or explain what is being perceived in our blog.Looking at those lovely photos of children is inspiring.It gives us clues and ideas of improving our teaching. I like photos.

  3. Hi Mel, I had my photos approved by the centre management and also parents in the centre... I ensured that the photos caught the children on an angle or their face was not shown, the photos I took I uploaded through Picassa (collage option) and I had the parents and teachers view before I used them... I support Potpots idea as photos has an impact on what you are writing about, and actually Im so use to taking photos of children from shoulders down that its become a habit... Just thought to share this with you all.
